Tuesday, September 20, 2011

OOTD- Teal and Loving It

I wore this outfit on Sunday as a last attempt to utilize my summer clothing before it's too late. Like I said before, that Fall is a-looming over head. I am excited to delve back into cardis and tights and boots...I just need a few more weeks to showcase the last of my whites. Today was the first day I noticed it was almost dark when I was taking my pictures. I'm going to have to seriously rethink my photo taking routine once it is dark and rainy. I am currently "scouting" my house to see if I can find a place and setup that will work if I am confined indoors. Not looking forward to that folks. *sigh* Summer lovin' had me a blast...but all good things must come to an end. On a happier note, I have a lot of great posts coming up this week. Pics from the favorite things blog swap I participated in, a DIY outfit and...I finally made my way to Target, so I have a Missoni update too!


(Sorry about the tire in the background- too tired to edit!)

Bringing more sunshine into my life!

Until tomorrow!


  1. cute dress and shoes!

    Have a nice day!

  2. Super cute post - I love yellow nail polish!

    x. jill
    those ghosts

  3. @mr kane- thanks, you too!!

    @ jill- thanks- i liked it too- so bright and cheerful!
