Hi, everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend.
It has taken me until now to be able to sit down and post. Things are getting cray-cray up in here!
Today was the first day we had a fire in our home!
I probably could have been
ok with a blanket, although it was definitely chilly outside.
I have gotten pretty good at toughing it out and bundling up.
Correction: I am tough when I'm the one that has to make the fire.
I will avoid it at pretty much all cost, unless I can see my breath inside.
When hubby's around though- it's a different story. Today he came home from work and immediately starting making a fire and I did not complain! You go right ahead, honey! Even though it wasn't completely
necessary, it was divine. He makes THE best fires! They never go out, they always start right away, and the warm the house up instantly.
Mine take many
attempts, constant attention and about three hours to actually make any difference in the temperature. I'm just not good at getting them going. I am proud of myself though, because a year ago I couldn't even make one. Last winter I learned how and made quite a few, but I never really caught onto the trick all guys seem to know about how to be good at creating the nice rip roaring ones.
I also forgot that this is the time of year for naps! As soon as the house heats up, I am out. This is not good because I fall asleep after dinner for a few hours and then am up all night. I recall getting into the same pattern last fall/ winter. It feels so good at the time but not a nice habit to get into... I can't help it though- just hearing the crackling of newspaper makes me instantly yawn. What to do, what to do?
Onto my OOTD:

This is the Gap cardigan I got for $15 bucks at the
outlet store. I got so sick of all my black button ups last winter I am trying to incorporate some color along with warmth.
So yes, I am finally breaking out my sweaters. I haven't got to boots yet though. My legs are still tight free for now. I checked the 10 day
forecast and it said sunny sunny sunny so I am putting that off as long as possible. I love all my tights, but there is time enough for that to come.
My skirt is from Ann Taylor Loft and my shoes are Steve Madden

I am obsessed with these pretties! You ever get that feeling when you see a pair of shoes and you just KNOW? That's what happened here, folks... Love at first sight. True Love.

These blue hoop earrings were given to me by my sis-in-law's mom. Thanks, Carol! Also wearing Sally Hansen
Midnight in NY nail polish. It's black with multi color glitter mixed in. Very subtle- you can only see it really up close.

Cluster of leaves silver necklace

This is my natural hair. I was way too lazy today to do anything with it. I usually will do something- even if I don't straighten it all the way I do the front pieces or the top, but this was purely washed, air dryed, and styled with a little bit of smoothing serum. I don't prefer it this way, but didn't feel like doing anything to it so, VOILA. Think I can pass it off as that sexy bed head look? Me either.